Hi, thanks for dropping by!
I'm a father of 3 awesome kids, dog dad, husband, and adventure seeker. I enjoy long walks in the woods, mostly under moderate to extreme physical stress... apparently my wife overlooked that in my dating profile... I've been on a fitness journey since 2016 after having gone from athlete in high school, to abusing drugs, to what I thought was having my shit together. But really I was just an overweight single dad in my early 20's. I was providing for my daughter but not being much of an example when it comes to taking care of yourself and I definitely wasn't showing her how to accomplish goals. Fast forward through a lot of personal growth and now I am in the best shape of my life chasing down my true potential, in all areas.
One thing that hasn't changed is that I've always loved a good physical challenge and the outdoors are my favorite proving grounds. The gym is great too but physical exhaustion in the middle of nowhere just hits different. While Mother Nature is beautiful and serene she also reminds us that we're just guests in her house. Seeing what I am capable of in uncontrolled environments has grown to the perpetual itch that I can't seem to scratch.
I've got a long way to go. The goal is to be a better dad, husband, athlete, human being, every day. The adventures are just gravy.​ I am all for helping out. Whether its gear advice, fitness advice, or really anything, just ask.
Be curious, take time to wonder and when its time to make a move, pack heavy and journey far.
- Justin